Friday, July 25, 2008

Fri. night ponderings...

Today an extraordinary human left us - Randy Pausch , the guy who did "The Last Lecture", died of pancreatic cancer. If you haven't seen the last lecture, google it - it is well worth the time.

Yesterday, my mom, the boys and I ended up driving to Burlington, mostly to get a view of the flood for our very own eyes. I have to say, it seems much more devastating in person. I have mixed emotions about it all - I mean, they do live in a FLOOD PLAIN, but I still can't imagine THAT much water, THAT FAR from the river, staying there for THAT LONG. It was very strange driving on a makeshift gravel one lane bridge surrounded by water in a place where I have driven many times at 65 mph. I soooo regret not having my camera, but the trip was a sidenote. If you want to see some good flood pics, go to, which is the Burlington newspaper. I'm posting one taken by Adam on June 29th from a flight taken with some of our friends. That is US 34 disappearing into the water.

The playset is almost finished - a few little extras and it will be done! I'll try to post some pics before the end of the weekend.

Last but not least, kudos to Barb, my WLL - way to go babe! Keep it up and kick my butt into gear!


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