Monday, August 11, 2008

The doggone days of summer are..almost gone!!!!

Here are a couple of pics of the boys having fun and acting like goofballs. Si LOVES pa-pa's tractor so much he would rather sit on that than be in the pool. And of course, J isn't going to let pics be taken without him!

Well, folks, summer came and it has almost went...I think we are all ready to go back to school. We have (for J, about to start the big K)the backpack, the clothes, the supplies, and all that hoopla, but my mind is still saying NO! GO AWAY! I STILL HAVE MORE TO DO! I DON'T WANT TO SEE JUNIOR HIGH KIDS YET!!! However, a small part of me is saying YES!!! I can't wait to get back into a schedule again! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being a teacher and having time off in the summer with my kids, but I will admit that I am TERRIBLE about keeping them on a schedule and I live to regret it right about...NOW. But hey, it's summer, it's supposed to be a carefree time! All will work out in the end, we just might not be too happy getting there.

Another good aspect of starting school is that I also start my next grad class and I only have 2 more until that Master's is in my hands - YEAH BABY!!! Now, these two are probably going to be difficult but I figure if I've made it this far I can handle it. Then, on to my next Master's...yes, I am crazy but anyone reading this probably already knew that. Here we go girls!!!

Also, this all means that fall is just around the corner, which is absolutely my favorite season in the midwest. I love fall sports, cool temps, leaves changing, pumpkins and mums, etc. Only, I do need to figure out Halloween costumes - any ideas anyone?

With the start of school also comes my quest for a healthier body. Hurting my back helped(?) contribute to a 5 lb. weight gain this month. So, I am inspired by my WLL Bah-bah-ra (WW Queen) to get my but in gear. Any encouragement would be appreciated! It is always easier for me during the school year because of that whole routine thing, so I'm looking forward to that.

It is INSANELY late, I am tired, which have both probably lead to my OVERUSE OF CAPS in this posting - sorry!!!! Now it's off to bed, off to bed.


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