Sunday, September 7, 2008

See, I told you so

Okay people, if you read my very first blog, you know I have made true on my word. I said I probably wouldn't have much time to write on my blog when school started, and, sure enough, it has happened. "Come on, Margie!" you say. "What's the big deal? Can't you just find 5 minutes to update your blog?" The simple answer is NO. If you have children, you know that getting back into the routine takes a little bit. If you are a teacher, you know this is true for yourself as well. Now, put the two of those together and what do you get? MADNESS!!!! I'm not an organized person by nature - okay, let's clarify that: I may not look organized to others, but I have MY OWN organization, and it works for me most of the time and drives my husband crazy:) SO...for a few weeks here my head is like watching a merry-go-round spinning and trying to time when you are going to jump on to that open spot without getting yourself hurt. Know what I mean? I have had a lot of stuff happen in the last three weeks. Here's the rundown:

-my oldest son started Kindergarten

-I started school

-I started on a new committee at school

-I started being co-sponsor of Student Council at school


-I saw the LST-325 (refer to last post)

-My in-laws and nephew visited for a weekend (good times & good milk!)

-Took some really awesome pics that I love(remember - photography is my therapy!)

-I took my youngest son to daycare and watched him bawl his head off as I left

-Watched two historical political conventions(I am a political junkie - did you know that I was a poli-sci major in college?)

-I had to say a very tough goodbye to a dear friend and her daughter who moved to North Carolina. I miss them like hell already.

-I took 9 students to the Warren County Prime Beef Festival - it was fun but fast

-I watched hot air balloons take off and fly over my town twice(enjoy the pics-take by yours truly!)

-I went to my first session of my grad class this semester and it KICKED MY BUTT AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO UNTIL MY RESEARCH PROJECT IS DONE!!!!! This will probably be something you will hear a lot about in future posts. It is going to be my toughest and most intense year of my graduate studies and, to be quite honest, it has me a little overwhelmed but I AM DETERMINED to get it done and graduate in May

-My husband turned 31 - happy birthday honey:)

-We tried to watch the Balloon Glow, but instead watched them take balloons down as we were getting rained on
-Watched 4 Stearman planes take off, which my sons loved

-I went to a family cookout at my gmas for my dad's birthday, which is actually September 11. On that note, I never used to remember the exact day in September that was my dad's birthday. You can bet that now I never forget it.

So, as you see, my life has been a little intense lately! I'm not trying to complain - really - but just venting. It's my blog so I can do that if I want! Really, my life is pretty nice to me and I have a lot to be thankful for and I have been, and hope to continue to be blessed with many opportunities. But darn, sometimes it can be a little much! So, right now, I'm going to bed!


Blogger Raimi said...

Good luck with your grad class. Your are one amazing Mom, wife, teacher, friend, & daughter to take all that on & still make time for school.

If your organizational system is working for you, by all means, stick with it :). Have a great wek.

September 8, 2008 at 12:58 AM  

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